Entertainment International

Business Mogul honoured with a BEFFTA Lifetime Achievement Award

Super entrepreneur Mahmood Ahmadu was recently honoured at the 2016 British Entertainment Fashion Film and Television Awards (BEFFTA) with a Lifetime Achievement Award. The award was presented to him by the legendary social entrepreneur John Bird MBE, founder of the ‘Big Issue’ a popular magazine sold by street vendors affected by homelessness in Britain. The […]


ASAHCA 2013 Lancaster Hotel (London Hyde Park) Mahmood Ahmadu supports Angels for Africa

The Association of Spouses of African High Commissioners and Ambassadors (ASAHCA) banded together to launch the Angels for Africa initiative with a gala fundraising dinner at the Lancaster Hotel, Hyde Park London. Mahmood Ahmadu was proud to be one of the generous sponsors of the event, as he believed strongly in the cause being supported […]

Entertainment National

British African Business Alliance (BABA) Chairman, David Smith, Meets Mahmood Ahmadu

It was a great pleasure to meet with the man Mahmood Ahmadu yesterday.  Given his high level work with the Government and the services provided by his company to Nigerians everywhere, it was a pleasure to meet the man behind the system that has saved so many from heartache and frustration. There is no doubt […]