National Politics

Nigerian lawmakers want the death sentence for rape

Nigerian lawmakers are pushing for the death penalty for rape, weeks after allegations of sexual assault against senior religious clerics sparked nationwide uproar, amidst concerns over rising cases of sexual abuse.

“We should review our laws and make it a death penalty and by the time we kill one or two persons, those who are raping will control that thing that is making them to rape,” said George Sekibo of Rivers State, during plenary on Tuesday.

The lawmaker made the statement while contributing to a motion on “Sexual abuse in Nigeria: a growing scourge”, sponsored by Rose Oko and 10 other senators.

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Ms Oko had raised a point of order to present a motion on the increasing rate of reported rape cases and sexual assault especially on children across the country.

Cases of rape have been widely reported in recent times. In June alone, PREMIUM TIMES reported several rape cases including the case of and Islamic cleric who raped a 16-year-old girl whodid not deny having sex with the girl but claimed that he got married to her a day before the first rape incident.

There was also the case of a pastor who wasjailed for raping a 14-year-old.

The most controversial case came two weeks ago when Busola Dakolo, wife of the singer, Timi Dakolo, accused Biodun Fatoyinbo, the senior pastor at COZA of raping her when she was a minor.

Mr Fatoyinbo denied the charge, but stepped down as pastor.

The motion

Rose Oko, who represents Cross River, described rape as a “dastardly act” and said it is perpetrated on children as young as six months.

She referred to a UNICEF report of 2015 which states that six of ten children under the age of 18 experience emotional and sexual violence.

Using the rape cases of a six-month-old baby in Kano and Ochanya Ogbaje in Benue State, Mrs Oko said there are more reports of children being raped by school teachers, relatives among others.

She also faulted the unserious attitude of relevant agencies towards rape crimes and that failure of states to implement laws protecting children against such violence.

“Authorities have been accused of treating child molesters with levity. Nigerians have complained of the lackadaisical attitude of government agencies towards the fight against child sexual abuse,” she said.

“In most cases, prisoners, rapists inclusive, get released because of overcrowding. The lack of training of security officers on how to deal with victims of sexual abuse.

“Despite international agreement, laws aimed at protecting minors such as the Criminal Code Act, Penal code act, Trafficking in Persons Prohibition Law Enforcement and administration Act 2003.”

Violence Against Persons Prohibition Act 2015, and the Child Rights Act have not been fully implemented.

“The Child Rights Act has been adopted by only 23 states as state laws. While Violence Against Persons Prohibition Act 2015 adopted by three states,” she said.

She also said state and non-state institutions have failed in their duty to protect children from sexual abuse and exploitation and commended recent reactions by the public especially Interest Groups and NGOs against perpetrators of all forms of rape and violence.

Lawmakers want death sentence

In his contribution, Mr Sekibo blamed the government for failing to implement penalties for rape crimes. He called for death sentences for perpetrators of the act.

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