
NAFDAC Approved Solution to Get Stronger Erections and Stamina

NAFDAC – Some few years ago, before I met my wife and got married to her… I travelled to another state for some work and business.

Coincidentally, I met with an ex-girlfriend, who happens to now be a nurse in one of the leading hospitals.

Truth is, we have been in love during our university days. As a guy at that time, on a normal level, I invited her to the apartment-homes where I lounged.

When she came, we talked, ate our meals together. Everything was going as planned, until we started kissing and smooching.

But unfortunately for me, my mind could not go away from the fact that my manhood refused to get or maintain a normal erection. I felt so uncomfortable and desperate.

During the foreplay, she was in total control.

She pulled off her dress, pulled off my shirt, and then pull off my boxers… then all of a sudden, I looked at her face.

And noticed a sudden change in expression (from excitement to disappointment).

She became sad and unhappy because my manhood could not get erect and probably it was ‘too small’ like that of a 5 year old primary school boy.

That day, I felt as if the ground should open and swallow me, because the shame was just too much for me.

I will come back tell you the entire gist…

Let’s cut long story short… the nurse simply explained that here are 3 things that can cause a man not to get proper erection, and release too fast during sex:

1) Destroying your body response with bad habitslike smoking and drinking too much alcohol, excessive masturbation, and too much porn

2) Poor exercise and sedentary lifestyle

3) Taking too much foods and drinks that contains sugar

Like it or not, most of the foods we eat these days, are processed foods, canned foods, pastries and pizzas that contains too much chemical ingredients and way too much sugar that kill your natural sexual vigor and manpower.

Our forefathers, never depended on such foods,instead;

1) they ate vegetables and fruits, 2) trekked long distances and rode bicycles to their farms and meetings, and 3) avoided eating too much red meat.

But compare it to today, you will see a young man of 23 years old that cannot climb 2 storeys of staircases but will instead use the elevator, because he has diminished his natural manpower.

I know what you are thinking… there are lot of drugs out there sold in pharmacy stores and advertised on the internet that can help you get an erection.

In fact, right now every tom, dick and harry sells male enhancement products and make funny claims of increasing manhood size and lasting longer in bed.

But let’s take a closer look at them, an example is Viagra and vega (well known to men and sold by almost all pharmacy outlets).

The truth is that, they give results and help you get an erection but unfortunately after using them for a while, the results fade off and becomes ineffective.

Secondly, the continuous usage of these drugs causes harm to the body system and can cause serious damage your manhood.

And what about those over-hyped medicines sold on the internet?

Most of them are not NAFDAC approved and likelycontains chemical ingredients that have side effects forhypertensive and diabetic patients.

Instead, the nurse recommended a NAFDAC approved and certified herbal remedy that helps men get stronger erections, last 25minutes during sex and improves libido.

The truth is, for over 2 years now, the herbal capsules have been working so effective for customers, and with full confidence we can say the product is selling itself.

Friends are telling friends, and it’s spreading like wildfire, apart from all states in Nigeria, to othercountries like US, CANADA, UK and SPAIN.

And the best part about Duraman herbal capsules is that when used and administered professionally will help you boost your testerone levels, cure the root cause of your premature ejaculation and weak erection.

Without wasting time, let me introduce you to the NAFDAC Approved supplement that helped me and over 6,542 Nigerian men completely cure quick release, weak erection and restore sexual stamina and vigor without side effects of any kind.

Duraman Herbal Capsules”

Breakthrough NAFDAC Approved Solution to Get Stronger Erections and Stamina to Last 25minutes in Bed That Pharmacy & Drugstores Do Not Want You to Find out... Revealed!


Make no mistake about it. This supplement is made from the roots of a plant found in Malaysia and Malaysian men say it is the closest thing nature has ever come to the perfect aphrodisiac because of its wonderful ability to boost testerone levels and treat the root cause of erectile dysfunction.

The NAFDAC approved supplement known as Duraman Herbal Capsules contains 30 capsules. It helps men to restore their sexual stamina, boost libido (also known as sex drive) and permanently cures premature ejaculation and poor erections.

It’s the exact herbal supplement that changed me from a 30seconds man in the bedroom to performing for over 25minutes.

And the best part about Duraman Herbal Capsules is that…

– it’s 100percent natural, it has no side effect on you even if you are a diabetic or hypertensive patients.

– Also, it’s safe for Nigerian men no matter how old you are.

– Even though you have been struggling with these problems of premature ejaculation and weak erections for years, it will surely help you permanently cure it.

– Just 1 container of Duraman Herbal Capsules is enough to cure you of your sexual problems and end the miserable life of living with poor erections and quick ejaculation

– Once you start using it, you no longer have to suffer from watery sperm, just use DuramanHerbal Capsules with natural honey to cure watery sperm

– To be taken 1 tablet morning, and 1 night as a permanent cure to weak erection, low sperm count and quick ejaculation.

The best part about Duraman Herbal Capsules is that, it is made of purely natural ingredients. No chemical of any kind.

The composition of the supplement is basically herbs and of profound research and combination.

It’s NAFDAC Approved, not only as food supplement but as nutriceuticals.

Duraman Herbal Capsules has a triplicate effect; permanently cures your quick ejaculation, restores body function and ultimately gives a curative effect.

I know you have come across several adverts online about one product or the other that claims to boost sexual performance, and you do not know who to believe anymore.

But be rest assured that Duraman Herbal Capsules is one of the supplements that helps men boost your testerone levels, while also lowering your blood pressure.

And the good thing about Duraman Herbal Capsules is that, you begin to see results… almost IMMEDIATELY.

Even if everything you have tried in the past did not work for you, this is different and will definitely help restore your sexual stamina so that you can satisfy your woman completely.

Right now, I and my wife are enjoying sex like young couples and no more shame or embarrassment of releasing too quick during sex. We make love as long as 25minutes or even more until she moans, and tells me “Baby, am okay”

Do you know how great it feels… for you to know that you can satisfy your woman anyday, and anytime you make love to her! It gives you much sexual confidence and makes you feel like a complete man.Apart from that, the Nurse Also Recommended a NaturalEnlargement oil that Helped Me Increase my Manhood size(both Length and Girth) without any side effects

You see, my nurse friend used to make fun of me and called me nicknames like “small prick, ogatoothpick”and things like that… just because I had a small manhood size. 

She narrated to me how nurses love it big and how it makes men confident in the bedroom. 

But she had a special natural essential oil that increases manhood within few weeks of using it.

She recommended an essential oil imported from Japan that help men increase their manhood size without any side effects.At first, I was skeptical but decidedto give it a try.

She gave me VISCUM OIL, a natural manhood enhancement oil imported from Japan that increases manhood size within 2 to 4 weeks of using it.

Breakthrough NAFDAC Approved Solution to Get Stronger Erections and Stamina to Last 25minutes in Bed That Pharmacy & Drugstores Do Not Want You to Find out... Revealed!

“VISCUM OIL Changed My Sex Life CompletelyAfter Just One Week Of Using It”

Just so you know, this is NOT one of those “fake get 8inches by 1 week products” advertised everywhere on the internet by bunch of crooks who just wants to rip you off your money.

The truth is, this thing actually works… and the results are incredible!

But let me even tell you something that happened after using the VISCUM OIL:

You see, once I started using it, one day while at the swimming pool just relaxing with my very close friend…All of a sudden he noticed how big my manhood was becoming.

Before he was among those friends of mine that usually tease me and make silly comments about how I have“a small tiny prick”

But now, once he saw how huge my manhood has become… he secretly started to beg me to show him what I used to make my John Thomas bigger.

At first, I didn’t want to tell him, just to make sure I punish him for those times that he made fun of me.

But then, when I thought about how I suffered in shame because of my very small dick size and lots of fake stuff that I have tried, I decided to reveal the secret to him.

Once he started using the VISCUM OIL as well, he was surprised at the results he got… within 2 weeks of using it, his manhood has added extra 1.5inches.

At this point, let me show you the VISCUM OILthat helped me increase my manhood size to 5.5inches and save my marriage from crashing!

Breakthrough NAFDAC Approved Solution to Get Stronger Erections and Stamina to Last 25minutes in Bed That Pharmacy & Drugstores Do Not Want You to Find out... Revealed!

Efficacy: Very effective to promote blood circulation, increased thickening of the penis , improve sex , increase libido and enhance sexual performance of men to meet women’s desire.

Usage: clean the penis and the testicles , then with your hand holding the penis up and down, massage for 5 to 7 minutes , until the oil is completely absorbed by the penis can, use 1-2 times a day.

What the enlargement oil does is to increase manhood size (both length and girth) and also improve the strength of your penis.

All I had to do was to follow the instructions on the VISCUM OIL, and do the penile massages using the enlargement oil.

Truth is, after a few weeks of using the VISCUM OIL…

One day my wife put her hand to touch my manhood, and discovered it has now become bigger and fatter.

To make sure it was real, we had to take a measuring tape to measure the penis and it has increased from 3.5inches to 5.5inches.

The good thing about VISCUM OIL is that the INCREMENT you get from using it are permanent.

No shrinking of penis after you stop using it.

You see, once you have a bigger manhood that can satisfy a woman in bed, she treats you like a mini-sex god.

She prepares tasty meals for you, and cannot quarrel or nag… simply because she wants that deep satisfying sex from you.

To top it all, she will want more sex from you.

Even when she had a hard, stressful day at work, at night she will never deny you of sex.

Bottomline is, these 2 products helped me overcome my problem of weak erection, premature ejaculation, and small manhood size that I have been struggling with for so many years.