
5 complaints married women usually have about marriage

Married life comes with its own special ups and downs, as married men and women all over the world will tell you.

In the second part of this article on the popular complaints married people have about their partners, we list five most common things that married women often complain about, things that men might need to note and make adjustments on:

1.  Effort reduces

Several women all over the world are familiar with the disappointing situation where a man who was very attentive, very affectionate, takes them seriously and just goes the extra mile to make them happy stops doing so once the marriage begins.

Reduced effort makes women feel less appreciated and not as happy and bright as they might have been at some point in the beginning of the relationship. It is one of the things that married men would need to note and put an end to.

2.  They don’t help with house chores

Men are not excluded from menial jobs and activities and chores in the house but sad, many men are not too familiar with this idea.

The idea that men do not take house chores as their responsibility as well leaves the women really frustrated and annoyed.

ALSO READ: 5 things that can cause resentment in your relationship

3.  Too tired for sex

If only men would realise that working hard and providing money for the family will not take away the sexual needs of the wife!

Another huge problem that married women are familiar with is the unfaithfulness of many of their partners. We have once wondered here if the unfaithfulness of married men is extra-worse in Lagos, Nigeria, because of the commonness of the activity and the regularity of its report in the city.

5. No more efforts to look good

That women are married does not mean they no longer want their husbands to look as hot as they used to. Beauty standards are not to be imposed on just the wives. Husbands also have the duty to keep looking good even after they’re married.

Keep your grooming on point, exercise intentionally and keep that weight in check. Your wife would really like that!
